What if we changed the way we looked at working out, what if we simply look at it as a way to be healthy. We all want to be healthy right? So let's say that being active is everything from yard work to cleaning the house to the usual running or biking. This means that engaging your body in any way that is not sitting means you are keeping your body moving, therefore making for a healthier you.
Keeping that in mind, let's talk about the health benefits of leading an active life. A decrease in anxiety and depression, a sense of purpose, a healthy heart, mind, and body. All that is required to get you on a healthy active path, is to start making active choices. Instead of spending all night watching tv or playing video games, spend some of that time moving. It doesn't have to be anything strenuous, you could do the yard work you've been putting off, you could take the dog for a walk, you could clean the kitchen, or, if you want, even go to the gym.
I have recently watched loved ones lose a significant amount of their quality Still playing of life, because they can't move like they used to. You know how you avoid that? Never stop moving. If you don't use your muscles they become useless. Think about this the next time you plan on spending the whole night being sedentary, think again. Find at least one activity you can do every day that requires you to be up and moving for at least an hour and increase your energy, your livelihood and become an overall healthier person.
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