Sunday, November 25, 2012

Healthy Ways to Relax and Ease Stress

More often, Stress is inevitable. It’s a normal part of everyday life.
What we do about our Stress levels though spells the difference. For instance, there are healthier ways to deal with Stress and keep it at a manageable level. Number one is to keep a positive mindset. Two: there are healthy things you can do with your body to help ease any feelings of fatigue and/or tension. Here are 3 healthy ways to relax and keep stress at bay:

1 – Breathing Slow and Relaxing
When you live your life too fast, your heart rate also goes faster and faster. New York City psychologist Fred Muench, Ph.D. says that, “Slowing down to five or six breaths a minute lowers your pressure and calms your mind.” So start breathing slow when everything turns hectic. You will feel much more relaxed and your heart will also thank you for it. To practice slow breathing, take some time in the shower inhaling for five seconds then exhaling for six. Repeat five to six times per minute.

2 – Exercise Regularly
Working out doesn’t only help you maintain a healthy weight; it also helps you reduce any feelings of tension. Even women who suffer from chronic fatigue and/or diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder can benefit from exercising regularly. Exercise has the ability to decrease stress hormones like cortisol, while also increasing the body’s endorphins or feel good hormones. Aside from this, a British study also found that six weeks of resistance training can significantly calm worries. Sixty percent of participants with generalized anxiety disorder were no longer diagnosed after doing six weeks of resistance workouts.

3 – Staying Hydrated
When you exercise though, make sure that you re-hydrate after every workout. A decrease of even just 1% of your body’s fluids can darken your mood and increase your tension. This is one finding from a multi-university study. Don’t replenish your fluid levels though by drinking coffee and/or other drinks with caffeine. Again, a British study reported that about 15 to 25% of people are more susceptible to severe anxiety genetically once triggered by caffeine or coffee. So make sure that you avoid even just mild dehydration and always keep a water bottle ready.
Generally, if you keep a healthy body, then your mind will also follow. If you have a strong mind and a healthy body, then you can be immune or ready to handle any type of stress. 

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